Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Joint Venture Partners Welcome!

The Joint Venture Partnership concept is one of the best marketing concepts yet. It's pretty simple and is very lucrative, as long as you pick your partners carefully. This is it in a nutshell: a JV partner will assist in the marketing and exposure of your business in exchange for half of each sale made from the campaign.
Since Joint Ventures partners only get paid after a sale is made from their efforts would want to do very little work to get the sale. They want to add onto their existing work by adding a link or a flyer or another commercial to take up a remnant for radio.

Two things are important to each partner: that the JV partner is good at marketing and exposure and that the commission is high enough to split 50-50, otherwise it won't make sense the proposed partner.

Some things to look for in a Joint Venture partner:

  1. Someone who already has a large list
  2. Someone who knows how to market and attract the needed exposure, in a short amount of time.
  3. Someone is looking for a creative way to make more money
  4. Radio or TV that are willing and popular - preferrably news talk and sports
  5. Any other marketing venues that attract many people with little work on the marketers part.

Here's the selling point for both:

  1. The JV partner does little work and gets paid well.
  2. The business owner reaches other audiences that otherwise might not have been reached.
  3. Both get paid and are happy! Let's get JVing!!

We have an awesome program for internet marketers, opportunity seekers, radio and others. Just email to let us know!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tony Robbins 20 min Motivational Video

Relax and enjoy! This will fire you up! click here!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Your Perception is Your Reality of Choice

You choose your reality every day by choosing your perceptions. A strong statement but think where your thoughts come from to form your perceptions. They come from your beliefs. And your beliefs not only form your perceptions, but also form your attitude that you show others.

You have a choice in how you see things. For example, marketing is challenging and I'm not good at it or marketing is fun. When you perceive yourself not good at something, your mind will search for a way to prove it. You will probably avoid marketing since you are not good at it, rather check emails, and rather do anything else. And finally, at the end of the day, you might get to it. But since you are tired and not happy about it, you will perceive it as drudgery and further confirm that you are not good at it and that everyone is so much better than you. What if you thought marketing was fun? You would do it first and be excited about the results you will get. Understand, that your perception forming a daily task will form the outcome or results.

Beliefs are our view or perceptions of the world -- notice how closely related your beliefs are to your perception. We each bring our own set of experiences and histories and fears to the table. No matter what the true reality is, our beliefs are much more powerful in forming our perception of the world.

You are in charge of choosing your perception of the world. When you perceive yourself as the person you really want to be, you will start acting like that person. Here are some steps to changing your limiting beliefs about yourself and changing your perception and attitude.

  1. Write down your top 3 limiting beliefs that have kept you from achieving what you really want in your life. Take some time on this. i.e. I am not good enough at .... so I can't do ...
  2. How will you change your beliefs about yourself? i.e. I will work on ... so that I am the best at ... and achieve...
  3. Be selective who you listen to. Even the most loving and well meaning people give us advice that is tainted. Your perception here would be you can do anything, no matter what my mom and dad say. I am the best.
  4. Practice personal development to form an abundant and grateful heart.

You will find your perceptions changing about yourself as you change your beliefs. You will see yourself as the "CEO" of your company and do the actions that "CEOs" would take. You are in charge of your perception of your reality, so change your beliefs and your perception will change and your results will change too!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Best Time to Make a Sale is Right After a Sale!

Have you heard... the best time to make a sale is right after a sale?? It make sense. After you have made a sale, you feel awesome, accomplished, ready to accept more and more, ready to do more and more advertising and your creativity juices start running wild. Use this energy and make another sale.
Here's some quick ideas to use the energy you got from your sale:

  • Free ads: wow, they are all over the place. You will be attracting another sale just from the words you use in your ads. You are high energy, excited and full of belief that anything is possible. Convey that in your ads and marketing. It will definately come across!
  • Create a blog or article: Put out an article or free press release about the progress of your business. One day, maybe today, someone will resonate with your article and want to be part of the action. People want to be with others who are going some place.
  • Email your previous leads and team: Send an email to your leads, to people on the fence and your team to tell them how easy it was and that they can easily do the same. Anything is possible for everyone.
  • Do non-internet advertising: business cards, order pens, street signs. And on and on.
  • Smile: people will ask you why you are so happy. Easy, tell them you made a sale and your business is doing great. And, best of all, no childcare, work from home, but don't give them the whole enchilada or else they will feel like you are selling them. Let them chase your website down.
  • Be creative: Just sit back and think... what else can I do? Something amazing might come to you.
  • The top tip of all: Take more massive action. All these great ideas are wonderful but without action, they are just... ideas. And ideas don't make money. If you really want to make money, act on your great idea and make it happen.

Get out there and make another sale!
Affiliate and member of the Inner Circle, where ideas flow freely to all members. Learn how to be part of our growing team. Click Here.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Positive Thoughts Generate Wealth -- Negative Thoughts Kill Any Possibilities!

Our thoughts fuel all of our actions. They tell us what to do and what not to do. They attract people or push people away. Our thought put words into marketing and sales and our product. The fuel our income producing activities. Our thoughts are powerful, don't underestimate the power of positive thought.

How would you feel if you met the following people??
Have you been around someone who tells you all the day's woes? What a downer. Can you imagine being with that person?? No way!! Can you imagine being with an upbeat person, someone who has great things to tell you and is always smiling? Yes, introduce me!!

People want to be with a positive person, a positive leader. Positive thoughts will attract people to you as you conduct your business, thus creating your wealth. Your thoughts will propel you one way or the other. When you think negatively, you will push people away and when you are positive, people are attracted to you and want what you have, no matter what it is. You could be selling anything for any price and because of YOU, you will get the sale! Pretty amazing! Don't you know of a fun, positive person who attracts people and yet, may not really have the skills or product.... Yes, he's out there, taking your business. So, outsmart him or her. Be better. Be more fun. Be more positive and be more of a leader. Be the person that can charge any price for anything - they are buying you, your leadership and your positive, fun, and on the road to wealth attitude. You will see your business flourish and grow hugely!!If we want to make money, we need to remain positive, believe in our business, and know in our heart of hearts that it will flourish.

Top 10 Positive Attitude indicators... not in any order as all are important
  • fun people

  • leaders - many of them but not all..

  • smiles, hugs, and love

  • truth

  • hope

  • happiness

  • helpfulness

  • compassionate

  • blissful

  • students of personal development.
Enjoy your wealth, teach others, and be happy!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Opportunity World --- RFS is Top Opportunity -- Read On

Totally unbiased article on the Reverse Funnel System . This is endorsed as the number 1 income opportunity. Read On!

The Ulitimate New Years Resolution: Your Own Home Business Opportunity World Page 14
It’s happening right now. No matter what the economy is doing or what the experts are telling you, all over the country, people just like you are leaving their jobs in favor of starting a prosperous and rewarding home-based business. In fact, take a moment and count to 11. How easy was that? Because every 11 seconds someone starts a business that allows them to work from home. That’s not to say that starting a home-based business is as easy as counting but, with the right tools, it can be.
The Facts
According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, a whopping 15.1 percent of workers over the age of 16, or 20,673,000 people, worked at home. And this number has only increased in the past four years. Here are a few more facts that might be of interest:
l Forty to 44 percent of all home-based businesses require less than $5,000 for startup.
l Twenty percent of work-at-home businesses gross between $100,000 and $500,000 per year.
l Work-at-home businesses generate ann-
ual revenue of $427 billion – more than Chrysler, Ford and General Motors combined!
The Opportunity
As the economy struggles to rebound, many hardworking people are living in fear of losing their nine-to-fives. Some have already lost their jobs and are having a difficult time finding work in a shrinking job market. What these people need is an entrepreneurial wake-up call!
Many people daydream about owning their own business or working from home, but they’re hesitant to act because it seems like an unreachable goal with no guarantee of success. Enter the "Home-Based Biz Op!" Today, there are thousands of comprehensive turnkey opportunities just waiting for entrepreneurs to grab them up. Pre-packaged business opportunities offer access to support, education, marketing materials and everything else you need to get started for one flat fee. Also, you’ll know that your business has already had the benefit of market testing, research and refinement.
Starting your own home-based business is no longer a cubicle daydream. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of the 50 best and brightest home-based business opportunities we could find to give you a leg up on your search for a new career.
Some of the best home-based businesses are those based on tried and true business models that are long overdue for a 21st century update. The Reverse Funnel System is the cream of this crop, allowing sales entrepreneurs who used to live on the phone the option of making high-commission, vacation package sales through a fully automated system. Another is American Business Systems, which creates home-based businesses in the booming medical billing industry. Likewise, Uniglobe Travel agencies use their affiliate network to provide unique travel services to small- to medium-sized corporate accounts and to recreational travelers.
Technology is always a driving force in the small-business world, and, given technology’s rapid pace of development, small businesses are going to have plenty of future opportunities. Lightyear Wireless is a residual income opportunity that allows entrepreneurs to provide customers with the latest in communications technology through their own personal Web store. Another company embracing technology is Vehicle Tracking Solutions, a franchise opportunity that installs GPS tracking devices in company vehicles, allowing employers to monitor the location of their vehicles.
Despite the technological revolution that’s pushing small business, some of the best opportunities still come from fresh ideas and new innovations. Return-A-Pet has developed a registry system that makes it easy for the finders of lost pets to return them to their owner thanks to a toll free number on the animal’s tag. While Return-A-Pet has man’s best friend covered, someone still needs to look out for master. That job is going to eMed ID, a lucrative and satisfying franchise opportunity allowing entrepreneurs to provide their customers with a lifetime of medical history on one bracelet or keychain – a system that, in many cases, helps to save lives.
These are just a sample of the endless opportunities that await you when you finally resolve yourself to start a home-based business. So make the resolution to have it all: health, wealth and a couch in your office. This is one resolution that it will be a pleasure to keep. o

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Read This: The 4-Hour Workweek

This is an awesome book! If you don't get inspired by this, you never will make a move to change your life into something big and abundant. How is it possible that Timothy Ferriss could do so much that most people would only dream of? He will share with you:

  • What the crucial difference is between absolute and relative income
  • How to train your boss to value performance over presence or kill your job or company if it's beyond repair
  • What automated cash-flow "muses" are and how to create one in 2 to 4 weeks
  • How to cultivate selective ignorance and create time
  • What the management secrets of Remote Control CEOs are
  • How to get free housing worldwide and airfare at 50-80% off
  • How to fill the void and create a meaningful life after removing work and the office.

He will let you know how the New Rich (NR) has abandoned the "deferred-life plan" slave > save > retire and has mastered the new currencies of time and mobility, creating luxury lifestyles in the here and now. Just think, you put 40 years of 40-80 hour work weeks and then you retire.... or put in a few hours a week, and take retirement vacations monthly. Which would you prefer? Are you scarred to take the next step? What is the worst that can happen??? Write your dreams down. Write your worst fears down. And what if you never took the first step and kept going the current path? Enjoy this book and website . You can have it all -- see how Ty did it . See how Franco did it .

Personal Growth Begins with You

You may have heard it before: be the best person and then invite others into your life to join you. We all can use personal growth products, books, cds, DVD, etc. We all are not there, whereever there is noone knows. If we are, we are nearly dead, so let's get to work! But, what if you were dead, what would people say about you? Would they even remember you? Would they remember you for the good or the bad? This is where you might start, what do you want to be remembered as? Define that person very well and take your time, you deserve it.

Next, find a personal development book to get you started, something you can relate with. There are so many. Pick up a book, like the Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews or The Secret by Rhonda Bryne or others. Read 20 or more pages a day and get into it.

Every day, vizualize the better you and write it down. You might want to be the best mom, the best dad, the most giving, and maybe, an entrepreneur or the best salesperson. Vizualize what this feels like, what people are saying about you, what life looks like.

Then, reach out for more books, seminars. Be sure to practice this daily or why bother! Just like going to religious services and not being nice -- doesn't make sense. You will get there, everyday a little closer.